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HW 7

Question 1

  • All-to-all broadcast primitive: a communication operation all processes are broadcasted to all the other processes in the system.
  • Prefix sum primitive: The goal is to compute the prefix sum of a given sequence of numbers, where the prefix sum of an element is the sum of all the elements up to and including that element.
  • Gather primitive: The goal is to collect data from multiple processes or nodes and store it in a single process or node.
  • Permutation communication primitive: The goal is to shuffle or re-order data among different processes or nodes in a specific way.
  • All-to-all personalized communication primitive: similar to all-to-all broadcast primitive, the difference here is that the messages from each process are unique.

Question 2

Part 1

Do i = 0 to logp - 1
In parallel do:
If idx < 2^i:
P(idx) send data to P(idx+2^i)
End parallel

Part 2

Total runtime = (logp)(ts+ktw)(\log p)(t_s + k t_w)

Question 3

A little twist of the recursive doubling technique

Do i = 0 to logp - 1
In parallel do:
for j in (0, p / 2^(i+1))
If idx = k 2^(logp - i) for some k in N (natural number)
P(idx + j) exchange data with P(idx+2^(logp-1-i) + j)
End for
End parallel

In the first iteration, all the nodes of the left side of the root node exchange with the right half. Since it's bidirectional, it takes p/2 messages in each direction.

In the second iteration, two groups of size p/4 messages are exchanged (one happening on the left and one happening on the right without collision). The message each node transfers becomes 2, so in total p/4*2 = p/2 messages.

Similarly, p/2 messages str being transferred in the subsequent iterations. In total, it takes (ts+twmp/2)logp(t_s + t_w mp/2) \log p time to broadcast all messages.

Question 4

  1. (p1)(ts+twm)(p-1)(t_s+t_w m) (using parallel technique)
  2. (p1)(ts+twm)+(p1)(ts+tw)(p-1)(t_s+t_w m) + (p-1)(t_s+t_w)

Question 5

Part 1

P0=P1=P2=(11,12,21)TP_0 = P_1 = P_2 = (11, 12, 21)^T

Part 2

All-to-one: m(p1)m\cdot (p-1)

One-to-all: m(p1)m \cdot (p-1)

Total: 2m(p1)2m \cdot (p-1)